Secondary Methods Assignment Cover Sheet
Title of Assignment: Lesson Plan
Name: Katy Wood Date: October 18, 2011
q Competency 009 – The teacher incorporates the effective use of technology to plan, organize, deliver, and evaluate instruction for all students.
Justification Statement:
I wrote this lesson plan on October 18th, 2011. It was written for an Advanced Theatre class in a high school classroom. I used this lesson plan for my very first lesson I taught to high school students. I incorporated the use of technology to plan, organize, deliver, and evaluate instruction for all the students. After using this artifact in a classroom scenario, I now know what needs to be updated and altered to create a much more effective lesson plan. This will be one of the lesson I teach in my first classroom.
Lesson Plan
Name: Katy Wood Grade Level: 11th
Subject: Advanced Theatre Title of Lesson: Commedia
Establishing the Lesson Framework
TEKS: What state standard from your content area is this lesson based upon? Place the complete standard below. | Applicable Student Expectations: What expectations are there for students in this state standard? Place them below. | Objective(s): What must students know and be able to do as a result of this lesson? Use a Bloom’s Taxonomy verb and be sure objectives are measureable. This is not an activity! | Rationale: Why is the learning in this lesson relevant and important for students? |
(2) Students increase their understanding of heritage and traditions through historical and cultural studies in theatre. Student response and evaluation promote thinking and further discriminating judgment, developing students who are appreciative and evaluative consumers of live theatre, film, television, and other technologies. (B) analyze characters from various genres and styles, describing physical, intellectual, emotional, and social dimensions (C) portray believable characters in improvised and scripted scenes of various styles. | - Analyze characters from various genres and styles - Portray believable characters in improvised and scripted scenes of various styles. | The Learner will… Understand the commedia dell arte style of performing by discerning the famous stock characters associated with this genre as well as understand the physicality of performing this style. The learner will also be able to utilize this knowledge of physical, farcical acting to improvise various scenarios during class. | Learning this style of acting is essential to a good performance of any type of farce play, especially Shakespearean comedy. |
Assessment Strategies
Pre-Assessment: How and when will you assess and record students’ knowledge and skill levels of the objective(s) BEFORE you begin to plan instructional strategies and activities? Describe below and attach assessment(s) at the end of the template. | Formative Assessment: How will you assess EACH student’s learning of the objective(s) DURING the lesson so you AND students know the intended learning is occurring? Describe below and attach assessment(s) at the end of the template. | Summative Assessment: How and when will you assess all students’ mastery of the objective(s) of your lesson AFTER the instruction and activities have occurred? Describe below and attach assessment(s) at the end of the template. | Rubrics: If you choose to use a rubric for pre-, formative and/or summative assessment, please include it at the end of the template. If you will not use a rubric, how will you evaluate each assessment? Describe below. |
Ask the students what they already know about the subject at the beginning of class by using a journal discussion question. | During the informational part of the lesson, I would continuously ask the students if they were understand the topic or I would ask confirmation questions throughout the lesson. During the activity part of the lesson, I would observe how well they committed to an extremely physical character with very over-the-top gestures. | I would grade them on their participation in the activities as well as their journal entry. | - Did the student write a journal entry for the day and participate in the beginning of class discussion? - Did the student actively participate in the games/activities? |
Instructional Strategies
Introduction/Focus: How will you capture student interest, motivate them for the upcoming learning, engage their prior knowledge and be sure they understand the objective for the lesson clearly? | Instructional Procedure: What activities, strategies and procedures will you use to optimize learning of the objective(s) for all students? Direct instruction, cooperative learning, simulations, role play, ACTIVE lecture, literacy strategies, inquiry, others? Be sure to specify all aspects of your chosen strategies/procedures. | Closure: How will you provide opportunities for the learners to be included in the summary of the key points of the lesson and the restatement of the instructional objective? |
I will capture student interest by writing a controversial statement on the board where they have to form an opinion about the statement and have a reason for having that opinion. | I will use direct instruction, cooperative learning, as well as role playing games to optimize learning for all students. | I will ask the students questions that will confirm what they have just learned. The students will also be expected to physically show what they have learned. |
Designing Supportive Learning Environments
Materials: What materials and resources – including technology - will you need to implement your instructional strategies, activities and procedures? Be specific! | Setting: How will you arrange the classroom, manage your materials, group students, and provide for technology needs and/or safety needs? | Student Needs: What are student characteristics you need to consider, such as prior knowledge and special learning and physical accommodations/modifications [Must include any special education modifications or accommodations here for students who will engage in this lesson] |
Teacher Use: (strongly consider using technology and/or materials from professional organization websites aligned with your content area) -white board -TV to show pictures and video - PowerPoint to display information -a door | The classroom chairs will be placed in horizontal rows facing the front of the classroom for the first part of the lesson. The chairs will be slightly adjusted to face one of the doors in the classroom for the activity. If there is time for another activity, the chairs will be moved out of the way completely to have room in the middle of the classroom for the activity. | Because the activity is very physical, I would need to consider any student that has a physical disability. If there was such a student in my class, I would ask them to participate regardless to see what kind of creativity they could produce even with a disability. |
Student Use: (strongly consider using technology and/or materials from professional organization websites aligned with your content area) | ||
-journal -their bodies |
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